I haven’t updated the blog in quite some time, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working.
After developing a successful proof of concept PSYNQ device, the project ground to a halt with minimal progress for a number of years. The parts list for the proof of concept device was too expensive, and the RF components being used were of questionable quality. I was discouraged, but still very much committed to bringing this product to life.
After struggling to come up with a way around our difficulties for a number of years, a friend put me in contact with another engineer he thought could help. I set up a Zoom meeting and explained our product and how it worked. Almost immediately he had proposals for simpler and cheaper ways to accomplish the product objectives.
Since then we have continued to move forward with PSYNQ product development and marketing plans. The plan is to launch our Indiegogo campain in the spring of 2024.
Stay tuned for upcoming details.
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